House of Peace

House of Peace

$2,044 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • Women's Hope Center
  • House of Peace
  • Donations to this project are not tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation



Need 710,000 won per month for monthly rent or mortgage for 2 apartments.

Internet -Wifi Connection

Internet -Wifi Connection

Need 30,000won per month for wifi in one of the apartments.

Utilities & Maintenance

Utilities & Maintenance

Estimate of one year`s need for 2 apartments is 1,680,000won.

Matching Gift until June 17th!

June 4, 2013

A donor will MATCH EACH GIFT - UP TO 10 MILLION WON - that is given toward a home for our unwed mothers and theirs babies (House of Peace)! The goal is 20 million won total which is the amount of junseh. CAN YOU HELP US REACH THE FULL AMOUNT BY JUNE 17 MIDNIGHT?

여성소망센터의 미혼모들과 아기들을 위한 거주공간, House of Peace 마련 프로젝트!

6월 17일까지 1천 만원 모금을 실시합니다.
아주 특별한 한 후원자님께서
여러분이 후원하실 때마다 그 후원금과 동일한 금액을 다시 후원해주시기로 약속하셨습니다!!!

따라서 총 2천 만원의 전세금의 모금이 
여러분의 1천 만원 후원으로 달성 될 수 있습니다.

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