House of Peace

House of Peace

$2,044 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • Women's Hope Center
  • House of Peace
  • Donations to this project are not tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation



Need 710,000 won per month for monthly rent or mortgage for 2 apartments.

Internet -Wifi Connection

Internet -Wifi Connection

Need 30,000won per month for wifi in one of the apartments.

Utilities & Maintenance

Utilities & Maintenance

Estimate of one year`s need for 2 apartments is 1,680,000won.

About This Project

House of Peace is a collection of homes (apartments in a community) where women escaping from sexually exploitation and those who are at risk (orphans aged-out of orphanages and unwed mother and their babies with no family support) live while receiving help as they complete their studies and become economically independent. During this time, WHC volunteers help by providing care for infants while the mothers study or work (some may choose to work at WHC`s future social enterprise to be launched later this year) and provide a range of life skills training that will enable them to continue their journey of hope, healing and restoration.

The length of stay is determined on a case-by-case basis.
Entry is by referral from the WHC Counseling Center or other partnering church or organization.

UPDATE. GREAT NEWS! We have an apartment in the desired area for rent PLUS we have found another one for junseh. EVEN GREATER NEWS! The full amount of the junseh has been fulfilled! Now we just need to keep up with the monthly rent for the first apartment and the utilities/maintenance fees for both. Thank you so much for your continued support so our girls and their babies can have a home. Some for the first time.


If you would like to give RECURRING, TAX-DEDUCTIBLE, MONTHLY GIFTS though our Korean Fiscal Sponsor, please email with the following information.
1) Name of donor
2) Citizenship No. or Alien Registration No.
3) Mailing address
4) Email address
5) Amount to be donated each month
6) Date to be transferred (1st, 15th or 30th)
7) Bank Name and Account No.

If you would like to receive TAX-DEDUCTION on your ONE-TIME GIFT at the end of the year, please transfer your gift to our Korean Fiscal Sponsor at this bank account = KB 093437-04-005539 (재)한빛누리(여성소망센터) and email us at with the following information.
1) Name of donor
2) Registration No. of donor
3) Mailing address
4) Email address

Recent Supporters

  • 송** 6 years ago
  • Shin 10 years ago
  • Pohang International Community 11 years ago

Project Owner

Women's Hope Center

  • Website
  • Address

    2F 28 Yangdeokro 44Bun-gil Buk-gu
    경북 포항시 양덕로44번길 28(2층)
    Pohang, Kyeungbuk 74632
    South Korea

  • Phone 054-241-4673(HOPE)

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