House of Peace

House of Peace

$2,044 raised

This project is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

  • Women's Hope Center
  • House of Peace
  • Donations to this project are not tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation



Need 710,000 won per month for monthly rent or mortgage for 2 apartments.

Internet -Wifi Connection

Internet -Wifi Connection

Need 30,000won per month for wifi in one of the apartments.

Utilities & Maintenance

Utilities & Maintenance

Estimate of one year`s need for 2 apartments is 1,680,000won.

Funding Progress

November 11, 2013 to present
  • Donations received $260.87 (3% of goal) Total donations received since November 11, 2013
  • Donations pending $1,782.98 (15% of goal) Total donations that have been pledged but not yet received
  • Recurring donations $0.00 (0% of goal) Total donations expected between now and December 31, 2014 from active recurring donations
  • Total raised $2,043.85 (17% of goal)

Cumulative Funding Progress

  • Total raised $20,619.13 All donations received since the creation of this project

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