Sanctuary Restored will be a social business by Women`s Hope Center which provides quality home, beauty, and baby products while creating safe, stable and dignified employment for women in Korea at high risk of or who are affected by sexual exploitation.
Our hope is to help rebuild broken dreams and support the healing and growth of the women and girls who come to Women`s Hope Center so they might be empowered to live the life they were meant to live. Join us as we witness them blossom into artisans, managers, workshop teachers, and for those with babies, amazing mothers too.
Visit our online shop at
Follow our progress at
If you are an NGO or business who would like to become a sponsor please email Aleksey Yoo at
If you would like to give RECURRING, TAX-DEDUCTIBLE, MONTHLY GIFTS through our Korean Fiscal Sponsor, please email with the following information.
(Please note = a portion of your gift is taken by the Fiscal Sponsor as a processing fee.)
1) Name
2) Citizenship No. or Alien Registration No.
3) Mailing address
4) Email
5) Amount to be donated each month
6) Date to be transferred (1st, 15th or 30th)
7) Bank Name and Account No.
If you would like to receive TAX-DEDUCTION on your ONE-TIME GIFT at the end of the year, please transfer your gift to our Korean Fiscal Sponsor at this bank account = KB 093437-04-005539 (재)한빛누리(여성소망센터) and email us at with the following information.
(Please note = a portion of your gift is taken by the Fiscal Sponsor as a processing fee.)
1) Name
2) Citizenship No. or Alien Registration No.
3) Mailing address
4) Email